
hey, everyone. i dreaded the day i'd write this message but i think it's time that i just accept the fact that i don't really feel the love i once had as far as writing about jikook. of course i still love them and all of the boys but i don't have the same passion i once did when i first started writing about them. it's been a very slow burn kind of burnout but right now, it's feeling more real than ever. i tried my very best to hold on for you guys but i just can't put my best foot forward and write as much as you want me to or as much as i want to. i love writing, i really do. but trying to write about a subject that doesn't instill the same inspiration and excitement it used to just feels vain.
          	you guys made me who i am today, really. there's so many of you and i don't want to let anyone down but i'm doing more damage by sitting here, forcing myself. i couldn't have gotten to this point or even realized how much i love writing without all of the support and love that everyone has shown me. i truly can't express through words the gratefulness i feel toward every single person who has ever interacted with my stories and showed any ounce of love to them, even when i was just getting started and exploring my style.
          	my time here has been so memorable and while i'm deciding to move on, i don't want to vanish completely. so as far as my ongoing story goes, i've decided to discontinue it. i may still write on wattpad, whenever that may be, however it isn't going to be kpop related. although i have updated my ao3 profile and have chosen to focus on writing over there. it may not be stuff that you guys want to read, and maybe some of you will move on and that's totally okay. i will keep my wattpad up and running and all of my stories will stay published, however it's going to be relatively quiet from my end.


oh my god i don’t even know what to say… i’m happy you came to this realisation and that you’re ready to end this chapter of your life that probably built a big part of ur writings skills but of course this is very sad, i really enjoyed your stories and i hope it just gets better from here for you ! <3


@miniekins i don't have instagram bc i'm too lazy, BUT i'll pop up on your mb to leave lil messages from time to time whenever you come on c:


hey, everyone. i dreaded the day i'd write this message but i think it's time that i just accept the fact that i don't really feel the love i once had as far as writing about jikook. of course i still love them and all of the boys but i don't have the same passion i once did when i first started writing about them. it's been a very slow burn kind of burnout but right now, it's feeling more real than ever. i tried my very best to hold on for you guys but i just can't put my best foot forward and write as much as you want me to or as much as i want to. i love writing, i really do. but trying to write about a subject that doesn't instill the same inspiration and excitement it used to just feels vain.
          you guys made me who i am today, really. there's so many of you and i don't want to let anyone down but i'm doing more damage by sitting here, forcing myself. i couldn't have gotten to this point or even realized how much i love writing without all of the support and love that everyone has shown me. i truly can't express through words the gratefulness i feel toward every single person who has ever interacted with my stories and showed any ounce of love to them, even when i was just getting started and exploring my style.
          my time here has been so memorable and while i'm deciding to move on, i don't want to vanish completely. so as far as my ongoing story goes, i've decided to discontinue it. i may still write on wattpad, whenever that may be, however it isn't going to be kpop related. although i have updated my ao3 profile and have chosen to focus on writing over there. it may not be stuff that you guys want to read, and maybe some of you will move on and that's totally okay. i will keep my wattpad up and running and all of my stories will stay published, however it's going to be relatively quiet from my end.


oh my god i don’t even know what to say… i’m happy you came to this realisation and that you’re ready to end this chapter of your life that probably built a big part of ur writings skills but of course this is very sad, i really enjoyed your stories and i hope it just gets better from here for you ! <3


@miniekins i don't have instagram bc i'm too lazy, BUT i'll pop up on your mb to leave lil messages from time to time whenever you come on c:


i'm no joke so close to losing my MIND, w*ttp*d needs to stop playing or i'm gonna lose it


@miniekins thinking abt it /sigh/


anyway, how art thou ? ♡


hi! this might be really random but i just recently started writing my own jikook story and i was wondering how you got people to read yours? i’m still new to this but i’m not sure how to get the story around and habe people read it. any advice is helpful, especially because i just for starters LOL. i love your work!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


okay, thank you so much!! :)


@WhoreForJikook hey, thank you so much! honestly, i started writing for myself just because i felt like it. i wrote what i wanted to read and i think because of that, i was able to write well! i didn’t do anything special to get traction. people just kind of started showing up and i’m grateful for it. (:


i want to write but i can’t find the words :c i kind of want to write a short story or something based off of the hanahaki disease :o y’all know how i am with my angst muahaha


Take your time write when you have inspiration  relax and take it slow 


It’s okay bby always take your time 


just about done school! passed my classes with flying colours but i’m gonna have to do my preceptorship next year and then i’ll officially be a medical office assistant. hoping this means i have some more time to write! i’ve been less inspired lately due to stress but i think i’ll be able to pick things back up.
          i hope u guys have a wondering day/night! <3


@miniekins that is amazing news!  Congrats!!!!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️