
IM SO SORRY MY LOVES IVE BEEN SEVERELY INACTIVE AND IM ABOUT TO PASS OUT FROM EXHAUSTION- i will write soon, after this chaos of never-ending flood of schoolwork has gotten rid of and i finally find some time to be at peace..... like it's ever gonna happen but gotta stay optimistic so i don't lost my sanity! love you all (repeat bc i forgot to press announce followers yay)


Heyy. So i remember you had made a karlnap story and it was really good, but i cant seem to find it anymore. Is it deleted and will it come back?


@someone1I hey! do you remember the title? i took it off for a while but i'll repost if you want!
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IM SO SORRY MY LOVES IVE BEEN SEVERELY INACTIVE AND IM ABOUT TO PASS OUT FROM EXHAUSTION- i will write soon, after this chaos of never-ending flood of schoolwork has gotten rid of and i finally find some time to be at peace..... like it's ever gonna happen but gotta stay optimistic so i don't lost my sanity! love you all (repeat bc i forgot to press announce followers yay)


lol got rejected again (silently i read the signs)


Why flies do not do sex.?


@ mingqi_chan  JUST WHYYYYY
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