
for credibilty : this is @CosyNotFound and @justanobodyfangirl


aND mE hoNiIiSSs


this message may be offensive
Izzy, we truly do understand that you're scared. I mean, people finding out what shit you did and exposing you can be quite nerve racking, can't it? But the point it, we have screenshots. We did not fake them. You can give your excuses all you want, because truly we don't care. We've seen who you really are, and are just letting everyone know. Making hate accounts for people hurts them. Making hate accounts for yourself, is selfish and attention seeking. We do hope, however, you can learn that what you did is not okay whatsoever. And no, we will not be taking down our book, people need to see the truth. The real you. But, if you really do care, about the people you've hurt, or friends you've lied to, you'll apologize. Which is why, all we can say is try your best to stay away from @F-FLORAL unless you want to be lied to, and/or manipulated.