
          	OH GOD m dying of the God's beautiful creation ...they r really lit ...I can't breath they're dam handsome ...❤❤❤


@metanoia_06 I know!!!!!!! The song was just lit!! Makes me wanna dance !!!


You have received a message from Chanda,
          ◎ ══════ ❈ ══════ ◎
                       " Message"
          Precious Person,
          I hope you're reading this letter,in the best of health. I just want you to know you're really precious and your presence matters!
          You're worthy of love and care. You are beautiful and unique in your own way.
          Just because you couldn't fit in the boat of people, doesn't mean you're stupid. It's just you are too unique. And never let anyone bring you down! You know yourself better than anyone! And if you ever need a friend to talk, you're always welcome ❤️
          You're prized and I love you ♥️
          Another person ♥️
          ◎ ══════ ❈ ══════ ◎
          Moreover here's some love,


You have been chosen to be showered with love and affection!
          Post this on the message boards of everyone you think deserves love and affection.
          If you received:
          1 -2: you're a good person
          3 -4: you're a very nice person
          5 -6: you're popular
          7 -8: you're a very lovable person
          9+: I'm jealous. (also how?!?!?)


You have been chosen to be showered with love and affection!
          Post this on the message boards of everyone you think deserves love and affection.
          If you received:
          1 -2: you're a good person
          3 -4: you're a very nice person
          5 -6: you're popular
          7 -8: you're a very lovable person
          9+: I'm jealous. (also how?!?!?)


You have been chosen to be showered with love and affection!
          Post this on the message boards of everyone you think deserves love and affection.
          If you received:
          1 -2: you're a good person
          3 -4: you're a very nice person
          5 -6: you're popular
          7 -8: you're a very lovable person
          9+: I'm jealous. (also how?!?!?)