
this message may be offensive
So I'll be going into this matter regarding OP Philippines.... NO WE FUCKING CAN'T AFFORD OR CREATE SUCH HIGH-TECH STUFF AND WE CAN'T BE RIDICULOUSLY RICH LIKE TO AROUND A TRILLION DOLLARS BECAUSE OF FUCKING CORRUPT BUREAUCRACY AND LACK OF INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY. I mean, What the heck people,  The Military Equipment of an OP Philippines is so ridiculous even the USA will call it impractical af and expensive.


@threeloader i know what your talking seriously 300+ meter long battleship or carrier is ridiculous more like big fat target high maintenance less maneuverable and extensive manpower and resource. population 1 billion were more like overpopulated and how on earth gonna feed whole population?


this message may be offensive
So I'll be going into this matter regarding OP Philippines.... NO WE FUCKING CAN'T AFFORD OR CREATE SUCH HIGH-TECH STUFF AND WE CAN'T BE RIDICULOUSLY RICH LIKE TO AROUND A TRILLION DOLLARS BECAUSE OF FUCKING CORRUPT BUREAUCRACY AND LACK OF INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY. I mean, What the heck people,  The Military Equipment of an OP Philippines is so ridiculous even the USA will call it impractical af and expensive.


@threeloader i know what your talking seriously 300+ meter long battleship or carrier is ridiculous more like big fat target high maintenance less maneuverable and extensive manpower and resource. population 1 billion were more like overpopulated and how on earth gonna feed whole population?