
Sorry for the wait loves I’ve been caught up on a lot and I’ll have the chapter done by the end of next week hopefully maybe this week 
          	Thank you and I can’t wait to share this amazing chapter with you all
          	Stay hydrated, I love you


Sorry for the wait loves I’ve been caught up on a lot and I’ll have the chapter done by the end of next week hopefully maybe this week 
          Thank you and I can’t wait to share this amazing chapter with you all
          Stay hydrated, I love you


I’ll have an update soon my loves I am still healing from the past and although it cannot change it still effects who I am now 
          I promise promise promise the chapter will fulfill your hearts more than I can
          I adore you all for patiently waiting <3 take care (more announcements will come through this week)


Okay my loves I have my friends by my side to help them take me through this heartbreak the past week and I am a little better now I’m getting there, and a little thanks to my friends <333
          The story will continue as usual as soon as I get the next chapter out for yall, I will see you another week
          *updates will occur


Hello my loves, after going through a hard breakup I’ve decided to hold back on the chapter, I need time to myself I can’t think right now, I’m sorry my loves, I’ll keep you updated though. 
          Stay safe, love each other, and remember that you’re enough