
Hii loves
          	I’m currently on the last chapter of “Madeleine Academy” so I can post them throughout the next week & finally complete this book lol. have a lovelyy day/night & ily <33


Hi babes
          I’ve been on hiatus for over two months now because of high school (  I finally started hs lol ) and I’ve been working and studying insane hours so I won’t have to worry about exams as much once they come around. I’m aware I haven’t updated on either of my stories and truth be told, The curse of the Flinn Family isn’t as interesting to write as it used to be. I might leave it up so I can read it for fun when I want to but you can consider that story discontinued. Howeverr I’ve so many new ideas for stories and a lot of inspiration after having a bunch of reading marathons so I’ll be coming with some new stories and updating “Madeleine Academy” regularly starting next week. 
          Love you & enjoy your day/night!!


@melancholicthought Hi gorgeous. I hope you're doing okay. You must be exhausted. Honestly, take all the time you need. You do whatever you need to do. I hope you have a wonderful day/night, too. <3


Hii everyone 
          I finally updated Madeleine Academy and I apologize for my laziness lol. I randomly got inspiration while on vacation so I’m sitting here at the beach writing a story that’s set during early winter. Ironic right? Anyway I hope you enjoy this new chapter and I promise I’ll update more from now on. Have a lovely day/night and I’ll see you soon <3


@melancholicthought How did I not see this? I will check it out right this instant. <3


Hi loves<33
          I’m finally finishing my school year this Monday and I’m so happy I’ll finally have more time for my other activities such as writing and editing! I’ll be posting new chapters for both my books soon so I hope you’re exited & I’ll talk to u soon.
          Byee, xo 


@melancholicthought That is so great! I wish I could finish school already, haha. But I look forward to reading more of your work - it might help me get through school and boring classes, lol. xox


Hello loves 
          New chapter out on “The curse of the Flinn Family” and it has over 4K words lol. I’m sorry for my inactivity and enjoy this chapter <33 I’ll try to update both of my books at least once or twice a week now that exam week is over!! Have a lovely day/night and I’ll see you soon.


@melancholicthought I'll check it out now! Hope you're doing well. xox


There is nothing I hate more than oblivious and slow main characters. I’ll be reading a book and the main female lead is the dumbest/slowest being to exist, and she has the audacity to be rude to anyone who talks to her and hide behind “sarcasm” when she’s just straight up rude. She’s also misogynistic and “not like other girls”. I’ve read far too many books with these characters as the main female lead and I really dislike them.


@melancholicthought Oh my god. I hate them. You described it perfectly, though.


Hello loves<3
          I’ve been on vacation for the last week or so and I haven’t had the chance to write anything! Now I’m back in school for two more weeks and I have to study for a very important exam next week which I’m quite nervous for! I’m hoping I can post chapters for both of my books this weekend, and I apologize for not posting for a while. I promise I’ll make it all up to you once I finish these last exams.
                 Love, melancholicthought <3


You’re way too sweet! Thank you so much for your kind words, they always make me smile <33 


@melancholicthought Vacation? I'm jealous. But you so deserved it. You work so hard. Honestly, take your time. Writing cannot be rushed (sort of). I'm sure you'll do great on your exam, as exhausting as they are. You don't have to make-up for anything, just take care of yourself, luv. xoxox


Hello loves <3
          How are you all? I’ve been doing well, working on chapters and doing my best in school. I apologize for my inactivity but online classes are really annoying and it’s very chaotic where I live! I hope you have a lovely day/night <3


this reply looks very awkward without emojis I hate it here 


Lucky you My next break is in May


@melancholicthought Hey! It's good to hear from you. But sameee, school is so time consuming. Thankfully my holidays are in two days.