
Oh my god guys I’ve had such a week this week that my therapist literally called my life a soap opera.  
          	For any one who doesn’t know what a soap opera is it’s literally one of the most dramatic and chaotic tv show categories ever made. 
          	First of all I’ve only slept for 32 hours in the last 3 and half weeks and for all you’re information there are 588 hours in three and half weeks. 
          	I also got to see my two guy friends this past Sunday and I came out as a lesbian but since we always mess with each other all the time because that’s our thing I decided to come up with my most elaborate and mind twisting plan yet as a sort of punishment for not answering their phones for 5 months straight. It was really funny because when they were looking for physical clues (literally 5 different colored strings in a book shop) they walked past the same three strings like 15 times the two small book shop owners were cracking up watching them stare at a pink string on a white book and still not seeing it and I know they’re not colorblind. 
          	Ok so with that I have two friends that are girls. One that would see us together every day in the senior year of high school and the other has met the one but only knows of our shenanigans from me talking about them on the phone. Either way they both have been telling me that the three of us are like a live triangle yet I never chose to believe it. 
          	You know what there is too much going on right now to put it all here so I’ll post this here for now and I’m going to just make a book so I can finish this and if you guys can read it and help me out here because I’ve been so stressed that I’ve been thinking unsliced thoughts and I actually wrote a song about it too. If you want to hear it all put it in a chapter it the book just let my know. I personally think it sounds pretty cool though. 


@mel15art when its therapy, it’s not a soap opera, it’s a sofa opera, and it’s a tragedy (glad to hear everything is good tho


Ugh my stupid autocorrect 
          	  Not unsliced it was supposed to say unalive 


Oh my god guys I’ve had such a week this week that my therapist literally called my life a soap opera.  
          For any one who doesn’t know what a soap opera is it’s literally one of the most dramatic and chaotic tv show categories ever made. 
          First of all I’ve only slept for 32 hours in the last 3 and half weeks and for all you’re information there are 588 hours in three and half weeks. 
          I also got to see my two guy friends this past Sunday and I came out as a lesbian but since we always mess with each other all the time because that’s our thing I decided to come up with my most elaborate and mind twisting plan yet as a sort of punishment for not answering their phones for 5 months straight. It was really funny because when they were looking for physical clues (literally 5 different colored strings in a book shop) they walked past the same three strings like 15 times the two small book shop owners were cracking up watching them stare at a pink string on a white book and still not seeing it and I know they’re not colorblind. 
          Ok so with that I have two friends that are girls. One that would see us together every day in the senior year of high school and the other has met the one but only knows of our shenanigans from me talking about them on the phone. Either way they both have been telling me that the three of us are like a live triangle yet I never chose to believe it. 
          You know what there is too much going on right now to put it all here so I’ll post this here for now and I’m going to just make a book so I can finish this and if you guys can read it and help me out here because I’ve been so stressed that I’ve been thinking unsliced thoughts and I actually wrote a song about it too. If you want to hear it all put it in a chapter it the book just let my know. I personally think it sounds pretty cool though. 


@mel15art when its therapy, it’s not a soap opera, it’s a sofa opera, and it’s a tragedy (glad to hear everything is good tho


Ugh my stupid autocorrect 
            Not unsliced it was supposed to say unalive 