
@lisa_416 ~ I'm on the final chapters for book 2. I've written myself into a corner that I hate and have been blocked for the last few months. I'm going back and re-reading both books to try and get back into the story so that hopefully I can get back on track. 


@mclavocat Well then I wish you good gris gris for your writing! (did I use that right?) Loving it so far!


@lisa_416 ~ I'm on the final chapters for book 2. I've written myself into a corner that I hate and have been blocked for the last few months. I'm going back and re-reading both books to try and get back into the story so that hopefully I can get back on track. 


@mclavocat Well then I wish you good gris gris for your writing! (did I use that right?) Loving it so far!


Is that the end of the second book of the voodoo series? I love it so far but i want to know what happens:(


No, and I'm sorry for taking so long to respond! I have been back and forth with pneumonia that is kicking my ass so I've been slow on my updates. I'm posting two new chapters for you today, and thanks for reading!


Wow, your bio could be the outline for a really crazy book! lol Thanks for for following! I hope you enjoy my books! :)


Hahaha, thanks! I'm really enjoying your work so far, you've created emotion that feels real, and it has sucked me in! I'm looking forward to your next update. Thanks for returning the follow. :)


@Redauthor, Hey, sorry it has taken me so long to was a crazy summer! I don't know if it sounds bad or not, but I had no clue who Gabriel Knight was...thank God for Wikipedia. ;) 
          Louisiana is always beautiful, as long as you like sticky, muggy, heat, but I think that's just part of our charm. Good talking to you, and thanks for checking me out (in a non-creepy way, of course).


@KateHauxwell, Hi! Glad you stopped by and thanks for fanning. I am glad to contribute a chuckle to your day with my bio. :) Your artwork is fantastic. You're actually a triple threat: writer, artist, and musician... I'm intrigued! I look forward to checking out your stuff and would love to hear your thoughts on my book.