
Hi guys,
          	I’ve just started a tiktok (@mb_soliloquy) where I will be posting poetry content if anyone is interested!
          	I would love for you all to see it. All support appreciated x


Hi guys, 
          Mercury will be returning very soon!
          I have a whole new story for you guys, along with some name changes and backstory changes! Hope you will all enjoy and support!


How muchhh longer i’m very impatient




I’ve waited so long to hear this!!!


Hi guys,
          It’s been a while. 
          I started rewatching TVD, my all time favourite comfort show and fell in love with it all over again. But watching it, this little voice in the back of mind was screaming for Arielle.
          I created this character when I was 13, she’s been with me for almost 10 years now. I’ve grown and now it’s time for her to do the same. I think a clean slate is in order, and a new and improved Arielle to go with it. 
          Would anyone be interested in a revamped Klaus x Arielle fic?


yes yes yes!




As anyone who has followed my books might have noticed, I haven't updated them in a long time. I've been extremely busy with university and with personal physical/mental health issues, but I have always loved writing. It's been a haven for me since I was a child, and I loved writing on wattpad even if no one was reading my work. I love reading and writing so much that I'm studying english at university and I'm going to make a career out of it. But my love for wattpad has all changed. People are reading my work, and while I am infinitely grateful for everyone who has supported me and my writing, there is a growing negativity that I don't need in my life right now. When I check my notifications they are full of negativity, and unnecessary criticisms of my writing choices. I'm trying not to rant but seriously this is fan fiction, it's not going to be exactly like the source material. Plot details are changed for a reason, everything characters do is for a reason. As the author, I know where I'm going with my plots, I don't need anyone telling me that what I've done is wrong. Feel free to write your own story with your own characters instead of criticising mine. I no longer want to open wattpad and write because everything I do is being nit-picked, and I love writing. I don't want this negativity to destroy this for me. So I have removed all of my work from wattpad for the foreseeable, possibly forever. I'm so disappointed by this, I had a plan for several books on Arielle and Klaus that will now likely never be seen. 
          Thank you to everyone who has supported me, and I'm sorry to anyone who liked the books and was waiting for more. Perhaps I will move to a different site and start again, but for now I will be leaving wattpad. I hope you all understand.
          Thank you,
          - Maeve


@-Soliloquy I and many others I'm sure loved your books. I was totally obsessed. Deleting them was totally your decision and I respect it. Please please please just let us know if you ever decide to repost these or write more of these on Wattpad or anywhere else. I'd love to read. Your writing was probably the best I've ever read. I'd love to read any more of your work, anything literally. Loads of love and all the best for your studies. You deserve the best <3<3<3<3


If you ever decide to come back and post them, those of us who genuinely enjoy your work will be there to support you! And if you never come back, that’s a choice you made for yourself and it’s is completely reasonable and valid. ❤️ Good luck with school! We’re rooting for you. 


@-Soliloquy Don't let haters get the best of you. Who cares what others think of you, it's what you think of yourself that matters. I spend my life trying to get people to like me or be like them, now I couldn't care less what others think. I am what I am, what others think matters not. Everywhere you will find the same hate and critical people, it's only when you have learn to shut them out and concentrate on yourself that you'll find they don't hold anything on you. All the best. God bless always.