
Traces of you - chapter 2 is up!!!!


Strong writing prowess you have


Dear mayhem
          I read this book..."In this love " ...I have no words to describe how I felt reading this book...the way you have potrayed the characters and described their feelings exactly how they should be without exaggerating is fabulous....I'm a book worm n trust me there are very few books that make you cry without really realising you are doing that...I want you to know if you are aspiring writer or into writing you are gonna be the on the top one day. 
          Now that I'm finished with this book I don't know what to do  
          I loved your work a lot 
          Lots of love and sucess to you


Hey there!
          I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you or your time but if you are accepting reading request then would you give my book a try.
          The Unbecoming of Kiara Taylor!
          It will mean a lot to me. Thanks for reading this!


Hi, I read your book 'In this love' and I can't help but to drop this message. Your book is wonderful, your writing is amazing and the plot is interesting. I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you continue to write more. More grace❤️❤️