
Hello, my dear soon-to-be-followers-but-not-yet-and-probably-will-never-be. Just try to stay with me in my delirious state of being right now. I will soon be posting childhood stories that I wrote, whether in school or just for fun. Pretty please try with all your physical and mental might not to judge or hate my incredible stories. They will totally blow your mind. (hint the sarcasm) 
          	Ok, this is so stupid. I have no followers so I'm basically talking into oblivion...or talking to myself. I'm not sure which is worse. 
          	ONE OTHER THING. While other sweet people curse to express their feelings or whatever, I am a bad word free account. Usually......
          	((as you can see, I'm not an entirely dependent person))
          	Anyway, I love you guys! Even though there are no guys to love! 
          	I'm so sad right now. 
          	Thanks a bunch;)


@mayalice_ wish you'd read my books,wish you'd be my best friend. I'm sure you'll make all my wishes come true


Yeah same


Hello, my dear soon-to-be-followers-but-not-yet-and-probably-will-never-be. Just try to stay with me in my delirious state of being right now. I will soon be posting childhood stories that I wrote, whether in school or just for fun. Pretty please try with all your physical and mental might not to judge or hate my incredible stories. They will totally blow your mind. (hint the sarcasm) 
          Ok, this is so stupid. I have no followers so I'm basically talking into oblivion...or talking to myself. I'm not sure which is worse. 
          ONE OTHER THING. While other sweet people curse to express their feelings or whatever, I am a bad word free account. Usually......
          ((as you can see, I'm not an entirely dependent person))
          Anyway, I love you guys! Even though there are no guys to love! 
          I'm so sad right now. 
          Thanks a bunch;)


@mayalice_ wish you'd read my books,wish you'd be my best friend. I'm sure you'll make all my wishes come true


Yeah same