
Oh. My. Gosh. I’ve not checked this for MONTHS. How. On. Earth. 52 THOUSAND READS.  WHAT. THE. HECK. 
          	Thank you from the bottom of my heart, oh my gosh! ✨
          	I acc cannot believe this!  
          	So much love to all!!!
          	PS: if anyone wants to follow me on my socials it’s @mtaylor895!  I posted some new poems on there :) 


Oh. My. Gosh. I’ve not checked this for MONTHS. How. On. Earth. 52 THOUSAND READS.  WHAT. THE. HECK. 
          Thank you from the bottom of my heart, oh my gosh! ✨
          I acc cannot believe this!  
          So much love to all!!!
          PS: if anyone wants to follow me on my socials it’s @mtaylor895!  I posted some new poems on there :) 


Anyone know any editors or anyone willing to edit?


@matt7133 OOh jeez sorry I'm late. If you still need another person let me know :)