
You guys got the update!!! There’s a text to speak now aaaaand! I started reading one of my books and I’m like what!!!!! Wasaaaandnjdmd!!!!? Bruh this is a whole new level or something ahhhh!  


Hey guys I was just wondering if I just start posting my big book in here already because in the Word-doc universe it has 47 pages and 14705 words already so just asking you guys if you all wanna read it or something 
          Just wanna hear what your opinions on it since I haven’t been posting other stories lately oof but it seems that I’ve been more onto my big book and haven’t got time to do the other small book one’s 
          Ps: I’ve literally post some announcements on my updates/ drawing book if you wanna check that out you can 


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Hey guys I'm sorry sorry lately I been extremely lazy as fuck I'm really sorry I'm trying to be motivated and plus I Draft my storys before I write them down then just on the spot its hard for me to think and I need a new way of doing my storys this is how its going to work because 1 yes the long wait 2 but worth it and 3 it will help me be more organized
          (1: I'll do and book where i can let you guys know when a book is going to be published and ect on updats on them [as well as random things i want post]
          (2: be inspired thats the most important thing because i usually get inspired by reading and it will help me be motivated and new ideas as well with movies and shows 
          (3: a schedule where and what day i should be able to do them 
          And i think that's about it but what I will do in the mean time that I should redo the frist book I published and change alot of things I'm not going to delete it because I will have to think hard on the changes but yea I'll see you in fucks who knows but I'm deeply sooo sorry 


@marionette_125 Just... I dunno? Delayed suffering from my bad writing? Like by 2 years?


@Musique_Me  thanks and are you okay??


@marionette_125 Yeah it has been... Sorry about that friend. Just do what you need to do if it makes you feel better.