
this message may be offensive
hey there followers who probably won't read this, it is i, the writer of this account. 
          	i do believe it is my time to quit. not completely! just quit writing fanfiction here on wattpad. i have lost the drive i once had to make fanfiction, maybe it's a sign that i've grown up? (i type as i plan to read fanfiction right after) i'm not sure. 
          	anyways, i have left my wattpad in shambles since the last time i've logged on and it seems as though it's my duty to keep it that way XD i will not finish editing my first BBS x Reader nor will i finish my second one. they shall remain as is. to mark the end of an era (and the moment i died as a fanfiction writer).
          	being a fanfiction author on wattpad was a HUGE part of my life and i am glad that i chose to post that one h2o delirious x reader many moons ago. i met many cool people and got a very large (in my opinion because holy shit 139 people is a lot) following.
          	that is all. um, love you guys?
          	OH! i still will be writing, just very very slowly and more professionally (aka a whole rebranding of my account... again) because i do plan on using my writing skills to get somewhere someday XD


this message may be offensive
hey there followers who probably won't read this, it is i, the writer of this account. 
          i do believe it is my time to quit. not completely! just quit writing fanfiction here on wattpad. i have lost the drive i once had to make fanfiction, maybe it's a sign that i've grown up? (i type as i plan to read fanfiction right after) i'm not sure. 
          anyways, i have left my wattpad in shambles since the last time i've logged on and it seems as though it's my duty to keep it that way XD i will not finish editing my first BBS x Reader nor will i finish my second one. they shall remain as is. to mark the end of an era (and the moment i died as a fanfiction writer).
          being a fanfiction author on wattpad was a HUGE part of my life and i am glad that i chose to post that one h2o delirious x reader many moons ago. i met many cool people and got a very large (in my opinion because holy shit 139 people is a lot) following.
          that is all. um, love you guys?
          OH! i still will be writing, just very very slowly and more professionally (aka a whole rebranding of my account... again) because i do plan on using my writing skills to get somewhere someday XD


Hey I am not very social but I thought I should tell you I love your work and it makes me really happy to read. I am hoping to talk to you again soon and hope you have a wonderful day!


Thank you!! It was kinda bummer today but I can get by. The same feeling is for reading your story! You have talent!!!


            Awe  thank you! It means so much that you like my writing! Without you, I'd curl up into a ball and probably cry but we don't talk about that  I hope you have an equally wonderful day and more wonderful days to come!!


I've never really written on here before I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 43k reads on my first Banana Bus Squad 'X' Reader. You guys are amazing!! I'm so happy that you guys are actually reading my books!! THANK YOU, YOU GUYS MAKE ME CRY!! ❤❤