
New Chapter out now loves!


hi guys,
          This is sort of an emotional post, so you’re welcome to skip it. 
          I created this account initially a couple years ago to express myself on another platform other than TikTok. I didn’t expect “Before Forever,” to receive as much attention as it did. It was me being creative. I didn’t know much about Harry Potter then, there were many mistakes in my first book, and I apologize for them. I’m thankful for all that you have done for me, the patience in the editing process and writing, and for all the feedback I’ve gotten. 
          In a time where I was depressed and couldn’t bring myself out of bed, I found Wattpad. I didn’t think my writing was worth anyone’s time, but you all made me see myself differently. I recognized the potential in this platform, and the positivity I was getting was unbelievable. I appreciate all that you have done for me, and I want nothing more than to repay you all for the kindness and light you have brought into my light. I went from feeling like nothing, to feeling like someone with a voice people wanted to hear. You guys have saved me in various ways. I cannot thank you enough. 


@mariexmalfoy I hope that you feel better now. I really love your works and you should know that your books also help me in many ways too. I luv you <3 <3


 In my life*


this message may be offensive
no offense but Toms personallity is very shitty. Seems like hes only there for softies(i mean readers) to find comfort in, if he was really that obsessed he wouldn't give a shit
           abt how Val feels and would kill Abraxas without hesitation, his knights fear him and wouldn't dare to question him, he is also manipulative and wouldve been better if he denied his feelings bc the fact that he acknowliges them already shows that he has indeed changed. It just wouldve been overall better if he couldn't bring himself to harm Val and then start realizing he is changing, Slowly growing jealous of anyone near her and not knowing ir caring about Valencia loving them
          P:S I'm not telling you how to write books or anything just saying my opinion since Tom is after all one of the biggest villains in the whole fiction
          I love ur writing and everything just saying that Tom seems weak
          P:S 2:  I have only fully read stay w me forever, i only poked an eye on some of the chapters of before forever but he still seems ehh in later chapters but if i'm wrong and u did write him more manipulative and shit in the begging let me know! I might be wrong( he still has a very weak personallity)
          sorry about the spelling mistakes english isn't my first language


I appreciate the feedback <3 On my latest chapters he’s getting progressively more aggressive and less caring of other people. My main goal in the first book was to show how Valencia came into his life and detoured his plans to become Voldemort. He hadn’t fully developed into the person he is in the second book. When she left him that was to push him toward becoming a worse person. When I launched the sequel the idea behind it was to show how much damage she had done to him in her absence. Hopefully as the book progresses you’ll find that I’m trying to demonstrate him as the person he is in the Harry Potter franchise! 


For my His Eden lovers, the next chapter of Before Forever is the finale plus an epilogue. After that, I’ll be focusing on that story and chapters will start coming out more frequently! Also a sequel of Before Forever is in the works so be ready for that. 


@mariexmalfoy l can't wait for it! The book was splendid and it was an amazing journey and l would like to complete it with the sequel just to see what next! Love you author


@mariexmalfoy I can't wait for the sequel I already know that it will be good