
Now that it is officially October 13th (at least where i live lol), happy birthday to the one and only Sonia Nevermind! 


HI GUYS! Thank you for all the kind comments and messages ya’ll send- like i love getting them so much! you guys MAKE MY DAY and i love you all times infinity ❤️


@margot_callie  i don’t think i can stop :0 there are too many good things! <3


@margot_callie no, thank you! you're a brilliant writer, and i absolutely love your Sondam Fanfic :) <3


Hi guys! A few of you have messaged me regarding gxs, and if there will be another chapter. I realized I never formally announced it, but gxs is completed. I wanted to leave the story in place where what happens next it up to the reader. I’ll be posting a small authors note soon, but past that, i’ve decided not to continue Gundham x Sonia. Writing this has been so much fun, and I originally planned to make it longer, but I like the point where I chose to end. 
          You may have noticed that my updates have been farther and farther apart. I never created a formal schedule, but rather just write whenever I felt like it. But towards the end of gxs, it became less enjoyable for me to write. 
          I loved the comments you guys left, and the kind messages you sent me, but writing gxs stopped feeling fun and exciting, I hope you all understand. 
          I have plans for an upcoming story which I hope you’ll all enjoy. It won’t be Danganronpa related, but I do want to do more Danganronpa stuff somewhere down the line. 
          Thank you all for reading gxs, it means more to me than you guys know. 
          Lots of love, 
          Margot Callie.