
Chapter 3 is currently being written. I’m about half way through. I like to have at least 1000 words in a chapter and I have like 600 something soooo. Coming soon


Soooo… HEY GUYS. Um, I’m back. I know that I’ve been gone for literal years but I’m back now and older with a better vocabulary and writing style. I would just like to say thank you to the people who read my book and supported me. I love you guys soooo much. I plan on actually rewriting my book. So expect a whole new book. The characters will also be casted differently. The theme of my book is going to change drastically and I will have consistent updates. Writing has become an outlet for me and I’ve decided to actually publish what I have written. Soooo, this book is a new beginning. I will publish a whole new book this before august 12th. Please be expecting it. much love 


          Thank you so much for reading and voting on my book - it really made my day! As always, feedback/constructive criticism is welcome and greatly appreciated. I’d love to know what you think :)
          	Hugs and kisses,


Awww you’re welcome. I know how much voting and feedback means. I think your book is amazing, you should make the character have more backbone more often. From what I’ve read she needs to be just a little bit more independent. Other than that it’s amazing.