
          from looking down at his tummy bump to looking up towards his approaching lover , a smile brightening upon his features , “ aw , baby .. you didn’t have to , I really appreciate it.” Xavier said softly , he really loved how caring and persistent he was towards him and the baby , it really made his heart warm in his chest . “ they’re well .. gave me a kick or two a little bit ago.” he giggled some , shaking his head as he was surrounded with many questions .  “ no , no honey , this is more than plenty. Come sit with me and eat , you have to enjoy your lunch too.” the ravenette said , using the other’s help to sit down , “ it’s a little sore , but nothing too bad .. I’ll be okay .” he said , leaning over carefully to press an affectionate kiss against the blonde’s cheek , “ my day was pretty good , nothin’ much to complain about , though I did have a quick test in English , about a couple of pages of a book we’re supposed to read … how was your day ?” 


@Zanesmysenpai101 ۵; 
          • Daniel’s brows furrowed together , turning his head away , in a direction where he didn’t have to look the other right in the eyes , but he also didn’t swat the hand on his leg away as he did .•  it’s too late , you can’t fix it . . 
          • he’d click his tongue , crossing his arms over his chest  as his frown grew , Dan was someone who often got upset … at almost anything , so this wasn’t something new . •  


@Zanesmysenpai101 ۵; 
          • he refused to answer , chewing on his lip to distract himself from replying , not a peep left from Daniel while the other made several attempts to admit what was wrong .  He frowned as he was moved , where he had to look Roger in the eyes . • l - leave me alone .
           • he huffed , his lip quivering into a pout soon after he finally used his words. •