
          	I can’t put the emotions that I’m going through in words, I’m tired of the racism, I’m tired of seeing a black men dead almost every week. America is supposed to be a free country and yet black people are being killed for simply existing. This has been going on for a long time and it’s time that we take a stand. If you can do something do it because ignoring this will not make it go away. Black people are human too and we deserve to be treated as such. I’m tired of seeing police officers getting away with murder, I’m tired of the blatant racism. If any of my followers think that racism doesn’t still exist then you can unfollow me. This a real issue that we are facing and it is scary and heartbroken, please don’t stand by and do nothing. 
          	Our lives matter, STOP KILLING US!!
          	 #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter


@Mysteric_Queen05 I never said anything about all black people being innocent, and I never tell anybody to start a riot what I’m saying is that innocent people shouldn’t have to die and we should take a stand. Taking a stand has nothing to do with rioting, it could be something as simple as posting a message or simply posting the hashtag black lives matter. 


@manthawerewolves I understand the pain but this is kinda arrogant, I am mixed yes police do be acting up but the facts are in history that our black/mix people were originally sold by what we call are people when the government gave us drugs we took it, now I ain't saying the police are right for this but not all blacks are innocent and the cops who do this will one day get theirs but rioting is not the answer it will just take more blacks.


@manthawerewolves I hate seeing this happen..  I hope everything gets fine soon... ♥ 


          I can’t put the emotions that I’m going through in words, I’m tired of the racism, I’m tired of seeing a black men dead almost every week. America is supposed to be a free country and yet black people are being killed for simply existing. This has been going on for a long time and it’s time that we take a stand. If you can do something do it because ignoring this will not make it go away. Black people are human too and we deserve to be treated as such. I’m tired of seeing police officers getting away with murder, I’m tired of the blatant racism. If any of my followers think that racism doesn’t still exist then you can unfollow me. This a real issue that we are facing and it is scary and heartbroken, please don’t stand by and do nothing. 
          Our lives matter, STOP KILLING US!!
           #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter


@Mysteric_Queen05 I never said anything about all black people being innocent, and I never tell anybody to start a riot what I’m saying is that innocent people shouldn’t have to die and we should take a stand. Taking a stand has nothing to do with rioting, it could be something as simple as posting a message or simply posting the hashtag black lives matter. 


@manthawerewolves I understand the pain but this is kinda arrogant, I am mixed yes police do be acting up but the facts are in history that our black/mix people were originally sold by what we call are people when the government gave us drugs we took it, now I ain't saying the police are right for this but not all blacks are innocent and the cops who do this will one day get theirs but rioting is not the answer it will just take more blacks.


@manthawerewolves I hate seeing this happen..  I hope everything gets fine soon... ♥ 