
Again, sorry luvs... I won't be continuing my first story, I have a huge writers block. But I have a new story I'm start, expect the story to start coming out by November.


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Salutations luvs!
          Sorry for not writing this summer, I had a lot of problems and a lot of thinking to do. School is tomorrow which means I can start writing again because being at school makes me bored and inspired. I know, im a weird person but fuck it, weird is my nature. 
          Anyways luvs! Ill update my story soon and make a new one off of a roleplay I did on Amino. You can find me in one of the BBS servers, ill most likely answer. I post my drawings there so, find me and take a look. 
          That's all for today, I promise to make a new chapter soon. See ya luvs!!!


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:/ I know I haven't been updating and stuff, I know I'm shit because of that. But im trying, I really am. Between drawing, writingish, emotions, and friends, I can't keep up. Sorry luvs if I'm shit sometimes,  I just need time...


This song adorable 


@tOoNzYbleh oh myyyyyy, my heart man 


@Simply_Delirious I love Story of Tonight and Theodosia because they make me cry and smile


@tOoNzYbleh I love the satisfied one! Makes me fuckin cry! Fuuuuuuuuuck