
I just stared at my dog for at least 3 minutes while he barked at me... Did it entertain me? Yes it did. Do i know why? Not a clue, welcome to the mind of an ADD girl 


That meant so much


@mak_is_here oh i do care trust me.Way bck you gave my novel a chance.The Bad Boy Fairytale


@BlaqProtagonists i didnt know that people cared enough to be happy to find this account, let alone wonder where i was


I just stared at my dog for at least 3 minutes while he barked at me... Did it entertain me? Yes it did. Do i know why? Not a clue, welcome to the mind of an ADD girl 


That meant so much


@mak_is_here oh i do care trust me.Way bck you gave my novel a chance.The Bad Boy Fairytale


@BlaqProtagonists i didnt know that people cared enough to be happy to find this account, let alone wonder where i was


For whoever is following me just to get my follow im fine with. Its the people that unfollows me right after, that im not ok with. So im unfollowing basically every new follower, within the last few days then refollowing whats left sorry if i dont get to you right away but i will eventually. Sorry this is going to be a temporary issue that im going to deal with. 


Idk if anyone cares but im going to be loosing my dad soon. Hospice gives him maybe 2 or 3 days left but every time they see him they cut his time in half so idk if he even has that long. I found this out a few hours ago. I hadnt even known he had a count down on his life until then. Oh gosh what am i even doing? If anyone even cares enough, send some prayers or good vibes, or whatever you believe in, his way, not for him being healed but for comfort. I dont expect a miracle to happen, but enough that for when he does go, he doesnt die in pain. Thats all i ask for. But id understand if you didnt think it would do anything and therefore pointless.
          Love you all and take care of yourselves. For me.<3<3


You wont trust me,just pray


@mak_is_here hi, I just saw this post. I'm sorry for what you're going through. May you find the strength you need♥️