
under co. !


ah, miss, are you alright  ?  you seem  .  .  .  out of it. 


*   shattered eyes sharp with the gleam of paranoia did not miss even for a second the glimpse of the other's stand . oh , if only she could further frazzle the other by calling the spirit by name  -  but , at least for the time being , she could do no such thing . the demoness lashed out with her claws , latching them around young shoulders free from the burden of time , and slowly picked joanne from the ground .  *   who i am is something you should have no concern about , if you value your  /  soul  / .   *   somehow , she spoke without having to move her lips. . . .  just simply staring into the girl's eyes like a corpse on the autopsy table . so , so empty  *   you say you feel nothing from me , then that is what i am  :  i am NOTHING but a product of rusted vainglory and secrets  . . .  secrets betrayed by every possible confidance . do you feel my presence in your mind already , joanne ? do you feel your heart still with the PARALYSIS OF FEAR ITSELF ?


✧  id. @aItrapersona  ᜰ  /  yes  /  —  you’re a complete stranger to me  &  somehow you know who i am  .  .  .  i’ve been in too many similar situations to know how this might go.  *  her words were shaky as they left her, hands clenching into loose fists as a faint frown graced her face. she desperately needed an answer, the anxiety bubbling up within her twisting her stomach into knots  —  it didn’t seem like she’d get one though. she began to say something, that’s what she thought at first, but the moment she finished, it was as if nothing had come out to begin with  .  .  .  & the other previously standing in front of her was gone. what had just happened  ?  she couldn’t comprehend it, the sudden voice coming from behind her making her head whip around. for a brief moment, she felt her stand come out, immediately repressing the fear she felt to make it vanish almost instantly  *  what did you do  —  ?  *  she asked, voice barely above a whisper as she gulped, eyebrows furrowing together  *  i feel nothing from you. it’s empty  .  .  .  &  it’s frightening.  who  /  are  /  you  ? 


do you really want to know that ? you might want to  -  you might even desire to , nothing would satiate you more , but you have bigger problems on your cosmic hands , cariña  . . .   *   KEKKA DAKE DA !  time has been erased  -  and there was the hulking demon of a woman , standing only a few centimeters behind poor joanne . poor , stupid joanne , who should've ran away the moment her eyes came across the devil that dwelled in alleyway shadows . her scent of spice and blood was overwhelming , almost nearing noxious as she hissed lowly in her ear  *   . . .  i can tell when someone's trying to read me like a damned book when im nothing but pages with drunken scribbles of lead . 


hey watch yo- * the assassin spoke before he paused his sentance at the pink haired woman with a questionable stare * um , sorry whoever you are ? 


who am i supposed to be  . . .  WHAT am i to you ? am i a human , ragazzo ? am i a god ? a god of  /  nothing  / , ruling over CORPSES and WHORES with a skeletal fist . 


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            um , what the hell are on about - I just wanted to get groceries and you snatched me into a damn alley now who the fuck are supposed to be ? ! 


you dare step into MY court  . . .  into my  /  domain  / , and ask me what im on about , you impudent fool ? !   *  hissed the woman , her teeth bared . truth be told , she didn't even look human  -  the king of nothing was less than mortal . and , if her inhuman expression didn't cut it , surely the tight , blood vessel - restricting pressure around prosciutto's arm was evidence enough  *


you know  ,  i'd rather you do your little  ..  *  she gestured a phone with her hand before frowning deeply at other woman and folded her arms over her chest  ,  *  /  escapades  /  anywhere other than in my house  .  


*  the woman froze in place , mouth hanging just slightly open , her eyes wide as if she had just been smacked in the face . friends  . . .  when was the last time she had anyone as a  /  friend  / ? her only confidant was herself  -  literally . she didn't trust anyone else , she COULDN'T trust anyone else . everyone was out to get her , to take what was hers , to dig up her past like dirt and smear her true identity over the persona she had so meticulously constructed  . . .  no . oh , no , no , this would simply not do . she snapped out of her internal monologue and spun around to lean upon the balcony , her lower back sitting above the railing  *   you look so disappointed  . . .  did you think you were going to change my ways , hm ? really , you should try and forget about me . it would be best for your heart if you did .


*  @aItrapersona  ;
            mh  ,  stellina naso  ..  *  bella winced softly at the other's cursing  ,  her nose scrunching up in slight distaste at her speaking and rolled her eyes  ,  casting them off to the side with a sigh  ,  *  have you always had such a dirty mouth  ?  *  she asked before tilting her head slightly at stellina  ,  a sad look on her face as she spoke  ,  *  well  ,  then  -  i guess i'll just be intrigued by you from afar  .  though  ,  i can't deny that i feel sad from this departure  .  *  she said  ,  her teeth biting gently into her lip after she spoke  ,  *  but  ,  i would rather have you as a friend ..  i suppose  .


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don't say that . spare me the patronizing bullshit , will you , fragolina ?   *  her tone was soft and as sincere as she could manage , a harsh , humorless bark of a laugh punctuating her emotions . smoke wisped through her lips after she took another drag . cocaine , cocaine , god , she needed to cut a line , she would do ANYTHING to get her fix . don't even begin to blame her for her addiction  -  you too would look for anything to take away the pain of constant death and involuntary resurrection .  *   people judge , it's what they do . but to address your concerns , i don't  "  court  "  people , bella . never have , never will .   *  that was a lie . all those years ago  . . .  sweet , sweet donatella . she shook her head at the thought  *   


excuse me  ,   ma'am    —    ,,    i hope you know that naples has public indecency laws.   i don't think you can just walk around with    ..    THOSE  ,   out   &   about.   if you were in the whore's house a few alleys back  ,   MAYBE    ..    but    /    not    /    here.


*    mista felt newfound confidence bubble in his gut  ,   grip tightening on his gun   &   half of a grin slipping onto his lips.  he was ready for her to loosen her grip    ..    to give him the little window he needed to be able to get the HELL out of there.   but    ..    no.   mista expected her to recoil off of him in pain   ,,    to wear undescribable anger on her features.   but NO.   she look ed down to him  ,   barely affected by the damage he caused    ..    &   instead of being angered with him  ,   she looked    ..    /    pleased.    /    that made him sick to his stomach  ,   his armed hand growing weak.    *    sexy    ..    ?    *    /    SEXY    ?    /    it was then when he realized how glad he was to be on his back  ,   for he probably would've dropped to his knees out of fear by now.   ʻ   you should have ran when i gave you the chance.   ʼ   god  ,   he felt the shivers on his spine.   it was here  ,   when the consigliere felt all hope fleet from his being    —    eyes now deprived of all hope    ..    instead wearing desperation.   this woman was mad    ..    powerful  ,   &   mista had no chance against that.   how pathetic he must've looked    ..    gaze thrown aside as the revolver in his hand fell   ,,    blood seizing in his chest  ,,   as well as throughout the rest of his being.    *


*  metal cracked across skin and bones , and her vision split white with pain , the force making blood fly in spatters from a new split in her cheek as her neck cracked to one side . there was nothing to be heard but heavy breathing  -  though she did initially cry out at the attack . but it was when the pinkette felt a tightening at the base of her stomach that she knew , she knew for  /  sure  / , that perhaps there were still some masochistic tendencies deep down inside where her spirit used to be . the beast slowly licked her ebony maw , relishing in the pain of a bruise forming along her new cut , and turned back to gaze at mista , eyes appearing almost completely black with dilated pupils  *   /  hah  /  . . .  -   *  came the breathy laugh , diavolo's lids fluttering halfway . upon the gunslinger's chest was a black fingernail , tracing achingly slowly down his breastbone and towards his abdomen  *    . . .  that was  /  sexy  / , ragazzo . i won't bother mincing words with that . though , i really must say , you should have ran when i gave you the chance .


*    laughter    ..    this woman was    /    laughing    /    at him.   she was laughing  ,   finding humor in their situation    —    unshamedly laughing at mista  ,   not even attempting to hide it.   then again  ,   why  would she need to    ?    she was clearly the one with the advantage here    —    ;     &   she was well aware of it    (    mista was too.    )    he was on his back  ,   claw marks tainting tanned skin  ,   &   he was being pinned down by an inhumane strength.   how pathetic    ..    he had seemed so big   &   bold before he realized who this woman was.   now  ,   here he was  ,   cowering in fear.   no    ..    that caused anger to form in his gut    —    guido mista wouldn't cower in fear for any man.   he clenched his jaw  ,   rage filling his actions as his hand went to his side    —    retrieving his revolver.   he debated on shooting the woman    ..    but no  ,   his rage made him incompetent.   instead  ,   he let anger course through his veins   ,,    &   he swung the revolver   ;    the barrel of his gun striking the side of the other's face with enough force as he could manage.    *


ah  !  and who's this fine lady visiting me today  ,  hm  ?  could it be  ..  /  stellina naso  /  ?


*  @aItrapersona  ;
            ah  ,  dolcezza  ?  that's new  .  *  she gave  ,  leaning out of her window with a broad smile  ,  her eyes looking up into the other's with absolute joy  ,  *  but  ,  what brings you around today  ,  hm  ?  to look at all the flowers and talk or  ,  for  /  something  /  more  ?  i have ice cream  .


for you , it could be anyone you'd like  -  but if stellina naso is who you want , then that's exactly who i am ,  /  dolcezza  /  .   *  she gave a slow , easy smile , lazily tossing her pink hair over one shoulder  *   