
Hello everyone,
          	As you all know I've been a very, very long hiatus. The reason why is because I was dealing with mental health issues for years and I've been finally being treated for this recently last year. I suffer from depression and anixety and it was hard to find any form of motivation for making work. Art college didn't made it any better cause I was self-conscious and dealing with social anxiety. However, it didn't prevent me from learning anything including new mediums. 
          	Luckily I GRADUATED with my Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts.
          	It took a while to recover from all the stress but I'm pretty good on making new stories and fanfiction! Thank you all for sticking around!
          	You're friendly Flower Mage!


Hello everyone,
          As you all know I've been a very, very long hiatus. The reason why is because I was dealing with mental health issues for years and I've been finally being treated for this recently last year. I suffer from depression and anixety and it was hard to find any form of motivation for making work. Art college didn't made it any better cause I was self-conscious and dealing with social anxiety. However, it didn't prevent me from learning anything including new mediums. 
          Luckily I GRADUATED with my Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts.
          It took a while to recover from all the stress but I'm pretty good on making new stories and fanfiction! Thank you all for sticking around!
          You're friendly Flower Mage!


Hey this is Silent-Will, just wanna let you all know that I changed my name to MagnMonique. Just thought it's a cooler and original name.


@naeiscreepy fun fact, Monique is actually my middle name. 


Hello everybody! I hope you all are well and safe. This is a tough time for all of us, but we must do our part to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. I pray for your safety and your loved ones and thank you to those who are aiding the sick. 
          Please remember the procedures of washing your hands regularly, social distancing and remain home if you're not feeling well while avoiding the vulnerable such as the elderly. 
          I pray for those who had suffered losses and ask for God to guide them through their grief. We are all in this together and we'll overcome this.
          With Love
          - Silent-Will


So what do you have in mind


OH NO! It's all human bro, and just a readers insert. The oc thing was just for fun, I just wanna introduce my OC to you guys in the Author's Note. If you wanna show me your OC so I can put it in the chapter covers you're free to do so. Just to show some love!!


@joker055287 nice but is the OC going to be a monster?


@joker055287 the events are going to be similar but more fixed up. Once I introduced all the monsters (the color crew + the 6 love interest) the story will change a little to fit the game narrative. Possibly an interactive one.