
chapter 28 is almoooooosttttt done. I’m proofreading and adding more detail in right now, it’s gonna be another long chapter so please bear with me <3


@madselliewrites pls take ur time we wl be right here okay , don't pressurise urself 


beautiful people! i’m working on chapter twenty right now. it’s a long one (‘: hoping to update by the end of today. i’m running on guam time. CHST. just so you can kind of gauge what time it’ll be for you <3 it’s currently 2pm. wish me luck!


new theme, also i finally created and linked my twitter! go give a follow if you can, i’d really appreciate it and would love to interact with you guys on there <3
          ALSO HAPPY JUNGKOOK DAY! i’ll be updating later tonight in honor of jk’s birthday, stay tuned (:


Hi! I'm alive. Sorry for the long wait, I've been adjusting to a new work schedule. BUT THE LAST CHAPTER HAS ALMOST 8000 WORDS. HOLY! That's a new for me. Another chapter is coming out later this week. I'm finally getting into the groove of this schedule so I'll have more time to update. Hope you guys enjoy this long chapter!


@Caps_thoughts appreciate you so much!!


@madselliewrites omg why is no one replying to you all this while dw I'll do it from now lots of love to ink bond bestie


Dying at how many mistakes my recent chapter has  I wrote chapter 13 at 3 in the morning and didn’t have the energy to proofread. Now that I’m actually going back and reading it, the mistakes are so annoying  I’m fixing them as I see them, but I apologize to anyone who’s had to read the monstrosity of my ass crack of dawn writing 


@madselliewrites making typos and errors is in bora blood that's okay, we don't mind what counts is that you have great plots and great writing. Really appreciate that


hi beautiful people! i know i’ve been missing for the past 2 weeks. i’ve had to make a few big adjustments in my life soooo i’m just trying to get everything settled. 
          good news is, i’m no longer working my 9-5 job (kinda) i still run my own little business, but i’m no longer doing that whole office job. SO i have a lot of down time which means writing writing and more writing. 
          i do have a question though. which member should i write about next? who do you guys wanna see next in the soulmate series?
          a new chapter will be coming very very soon! thank you to everyone who has followed me, voted on chapters and have left me insanely nice and encouraging comments and messages. i appreciate you from the bottom of my heart 


That last chapter was almost 3000 words. I’m so proud of myself for that! I decided not to do authors notes on my stories because I don’t want to ruin the illusion of story. I’ve gone back and deleted most of my authors notes at the end. So if you’re looking for a note, this is where you’ll find it. 
          Sorry to keep you guys on a cliffhanger. But I’m uploading the next chapter tomorrow so you don’t have to wait long. 
          Thank you for all the love
          - Mads


always thankful for the messages i get about Ink Bound  i’m really trying to edit and revise this next chapter because i want the MCs first meeting to be insanely special to not only the book but to the entire series. this will be the base for my other books and my soulmate au. sorry about missing this wednesdays post. i’m hoping to get two chapters out this coming wednesday to make it up to you guys.