
soooooo in offically 18 days i will be flying to meet some of you in orlando. my booth count (meaning the people who are coming to meet me) have doubled since last week!! it went from 125 to 254. amazing. see u florida ppl soon:*


soooooo in offically 18 days i will be flying to meet some of you in orlando. my booth count (meaning the people who are coming to meet me) have doubled since last week!! it went from 125 to 254. amazing. see u florida ppl soon:*


hi! good news and bad news.
          bad news: i won't be updating in a while. this week has not been the best. my cousin who i love and miss deeply  left yesterday and it feels like a piece of me has been ripped away. it hurts because he's going through so much and he has so many people around him that i never have time to reach him. there was a lot of heartbreak and tears this week but i also want you to know that i have made a decision that will probably change my life. it's different to me but it's working out okay so far.
          good news: my flight and hotel room are booked so any of you who live in orlando florida i'm excited to meet you! i am counting down the days when i get to see all of you (even tho most of you are coming to see anna and natasha, i'm excited to be part of it even tho i'm the youngest person there haha)
          hopefully i'll update soon! bear w me. love u


Awe, you deleted your story. I really love your writing, don't get discouraged by hurtful comments! If you're passionate about something, keep going. 
          - encouragement 


 my new book is coming in 9 days 
जवाब दें


My girl I  didn't even start reading yet and I already know its gonna be amazing


I just wanna say I am so happy you all are liking the book! Everyone has been saying really nice things about it and it makes me so happy that you all enjoy it! I didn't think 1.11K people would read it and actually like it. Thank you so so much and everyone has been saying so many nice things about it. Love you all <3333


@mxdisonmxyers Your book is terrible, you are also a very bad writer I've seen you at school and I gag when I do your so ugly and your book is even worse than your face so that means its really bad. -× 
जवाब दें