
Long time no see!!!! How is everyone? 


Hello everyone!! I know I haven't posted anything in a while. BUT! I do have some news! Being that my prized story Of Lightning And Stars (previously named When Two Times Meet), has reached #12 in one of its categories, I have decided to release the previously hidden edited chapter 1! Read it and give me your feedback, anything is appreciated!


Hey guys!! (Ugh I missed you lovelies beings). I have officially graduated high school, and, WTTM's first draft is COMPLETE. The final chapters will be posted as SOON as I can possibly get them up (possibly tonight/early tomorrow morning!). My laptop is currently charging, I can't upload the full chapters yet, but, as promised I have TONS of other works for you guys. Please do check them out as they come out!


Hey lovelies! I do apologize for the current hiatus (is that how that's spelled?) on all my works, but I am currently in the process of graduating high school! Yay! I have several chapters lined up for after the shabang is over, so be prepared for tons of writing and artwork!
          I am so grateful for all of you, and it means an awful lot that you guys support me.
          I love you all!!
          Bye lovelies,


Hey guys!! Messaging to let you know that When Two Times Meet now has a Tumblr!!! There you'll find art, writing snippets, and things that inspire me to keep writing about those two dorks. 
          The username is "kaceyandtoby", go check it out if you like!!