
The second part of my devotional called ‘Sailing In The Unknown: Why We Must Trust Jesus’ has been published!! Please check it out! I hope it blesses your heart & rightly shifts your perspective! x 



I have a challenge for you!
          Without any explanation, send at least one bible verse to a friend who you think needs to hear God's word today (or tonight, depending on where you are from). I know at least some of us have friends who aren't as close to Christ as we are, and why we can't force anyone upon them, we can share a little bit of His word without being pushy. Share with them a little bit of His love, and let God help them figure out the rest (:
          I can't wait to see how much love gets spread today!!! ❤
          God bless you, and I hope you have a blessed day! 


I’ve just published the first part of my first devotional — “Sailing In The Unknown: Why We Must Trust Jesus”! I would greatly appreciate you checking it out. And I sincerely pray that the devotional will help you immensely! :)) x 


hi there,
          thanks so much for following me! if you followed me for my books, i truly hope you enjoy them! ♡
          if my books aren’t your cup of tea (or coffee) that’s totally cool too, i just appreciate you becoming a part my little virtual cafe where i share pieces of my heart + feature some of my  favorite stories (& people!) on wattpad! 


Hey!! ((: No problem!! And yes, all your stories look so interesting & I can’t wait to read them ❤️ And I love all the messages you post x 