
can't believe it but I actually updated my bridgerton story! half of it was written last year but feel like it's still a miracle I did it! Enjoy<3


Hey!! How is everyone?? So it's been a year but what if I came back for bridgerton story? My love for Colin has reignited again lol


@BanprionsaOonagh sorry just seen this! You know how hectic life can get then to miss everything haha! Congrats on the pregnancy! Thank you, I've actually managed to do an update so hopefully they'll give me time to write a little!


@maIiatates that’s great :) I love being a mum too! I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and nearly 14 weeks pregnant with our last. It’s definitely crazy and hectic but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love your Colin Bridgerton book, I think I’ve re read it like 5 times  it’s so well written and I’m so excited for the rest when you get around to it :) I completely understand that your young ones come first and know you will get around to it when you can :) 


@RhinestoneAngel aww thank you! I have missed writing!


just read your message that you had twins so congratulations!! i understand that raising not only one, but two kids can be difficult so although i was going to ask when you would be updating cold water, it wouldn't necessarily be fair since you have your own life going on lol
          hope all is well!


I’m going to share what’s going on in my life so everyone can understand why writing has slowed so much for me! Please keep in mind this is very personal & private, so I’m a bit anxious!
          Last year I found out I would struggle to get pregnant, so my partner & I decided to be open to see what happens despite being in our early-twenties (our plan had been closer to 30). At the start of this year I found out I was pregnant, which was a huge shock as we thought it’ll take years if it ever happened. However, I ended up really sick & hospitalised so thought the worst, not ready to face how hard it really was going to be. But it turned out I was really sick because I’m pregnant with my miracle twins. This has been a lot mentally & physically for me as you can imagine, but I’m so thankful & excited to meet my little ones soon. 
          Of course, I’m growing two babies & still trying to work as much as I can & this has been exhausting. I’m not saying goodbye completely to my stories, but I can only bring myself to write little bits here & there when I have the energy for it. Hopefully, a few more updates will be posted when I can. 
          I hope everyone understands as I hate letting anyone down & I really hope I haven’t shocked anyone too much haha!<3 


@maIiatates OMG congrats on the pregnancy! I hope everything turns out alright and you bring two beautiful babies into this world. Don't worry, take your time. We'll still be here when you get back. You deserve this break to not only take time off from writing but also to focus on your health for you and the babies. Remember to drink water and stay safe! 


honestly, your life doesn’t revolve around this app so take your time! congratulations to you and your partner with your pregnancy!! im so happy for y’all! i hope you have a smooth pregnancy <3


Absolutely take your time with writing. Congrats on the surprise double pregnancy!!!