
SURPRISE!!!! Chapter 20 out now! You guys have been soooo so so patient and I just want to say thank you! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I worked on it for like ever lol. anyway, thank you so much for being so active and patient and motivating! Make sure to comment, vote, and share! I appreciate all interactions :)


sorry! had to publish it again, contained some errors!


SURPRISE!!!! Chapter 20 out now! You guys have been soooo so so patient and I just want to say thank you! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I worked on it for like ever lol. anyway, thank you so much for being so active and patient and motivating! Make sure to comment, vote, and share! I appreciate all interactions :)


sorry! had to publish it again, contained some errors!


I just published chapter 19!!! WOOOO CAN I GET SOME APPLAAUUUSEEE.... actually no I've been pretty slow on updates so no applause for me >:( But, nonetheless, read the newest chapter! Please comment, vote, and share! I appreciate all interactions :)


hey guys!! i did not disappear off the face of the earth lol I've just been so incredibly busy. if i haven't replied to your comment don't think I'm doing it on purpose, i just get so busy, but just know that i appreciate every single one of them :) i will try to work on chapter 19 and get it released soon :)


Hiiii my gorgeous gorgeous readers! I know I haven't released anything in so long but I plan to start posting again in May - summertime! Hopefully, things go according to plan and I have more free time to post! I'm glad that my story is getting found and appreciated :) It makes me really happy that I can make YOU guys happy!
          Thank you guys for bearing with me :)) Hopefully I can start posting soon!


Hey guys... 
          sad announcement :/
          I recently broke up with my boyfriend. this is very emotionally draining for me- I don't have much motivation to do a lot of things, and sadly, writing is one of those tasks. the story won't be discontinued, but I will be taking a hiatus for a bit. I'll eventually get back into writing, sooner or later. most likely sooner because I don't want to leave you guys hanging and there is so much more I want to add. don't get me wrong, I love writing and I love writing this story. I'm simply just taking a break because of my mental health and busy schedule. 
          I hope you guys understand and continue giving me your support. every single comment and vote means so much to me. this will be goodbye for now- I love you guys <3 I'll see you soon


just recently read your story and it's amazing, i'll be sticking around! + i hope you feel better and of course take care of yourself bestie ❤️ 


@KuroKemuri14 of course we can be friends!! DM me any time!


lol thank you!! your love and cookies make me feel so much better :) it feels good to know I have you guys there for me too :D your kind words help me a lot <3