
i hate those third act breakups like cmon


guys I need your help 
          i’m searching for a story I once read on ao3 and I can’t find it anymore 
          it’s a supercorp fic where kara and lena want to go on a date but mon el came onto earth and said that he would only give information to kara if she would go on a picnic with him 
          so then kara’s late to the gala and goes there as fast as she can, so she’s still supergirl 
          her and lena get into a fight in front of everyone where they shout at each other and everything 
          then they confess their love and kiss 
          sometime there lena said karas name so everyone knows supergirls first name and when theyre in danger some just yell for kara instead for supergirl 
          this sounds really cringey but the fic was so good so please help me find it again :,)


@jaylamaximoff that’s okay, thank you tho :,)


I remember in like 3rd grade everyone was talking about their crushes and then they asked me and I just said a name of a boy cause I didn’t want to be left out 
          then I just repeatedly told myself that I liked him but I never actually did, we did hold hands and stuff it was always really weird for me but still 
          and now my friends are bringing it up over and over again and when I tell them that I never actually liked him they’re like “no no I absolutely know that it was like that”
          it just makes me really uncomfortable 
          ( yes i’m a lesbian)


@Just__a__Shipper yeah it was like that for me too, I just didn’t want to be weird you know? 


@katiemcgrathswhore the only crush i had on a boy was 3rd or 4th grade, and i convinced myself i liked him and was obsessed with him, but looking back i think i only thought i liked him because i felt like i was supposed to?


I had like a really short wolf cut (the hair went a lil above my chin) and now i’m trying to grow it out because as much as I love the hairstyle it’s just too much work and in winter it also doesn’t look like I want it too because the humidity is ruining it
          I look like a karen now :,)