
Year two of this role play is starting and with a new year comes new roles. Please fill out a form for this role play, it’s a work of art and the admins put a lot of hard work into it. After role playing with the current characters for a while I can tell you that if you want drama this is the place to go, but there are also a lot of laid back characters if you like more calm interactions. Trust me, it’s worth your time and effort. 


Year two of this role play is starting and with a new year comes new roles. Please fill out a form for this role play, it’s a work of art and the admins put a lot of hard work into it. After role playing with the current characters for a while I can tell you that if you want drama this is the place to go, but there are also a lot of laid back characters if you like more calm interactions. Trust me, it’s worth your time and effort. 


oH MY GOD HAPPY BIRTHDAYY bro i even wrote it down omg i'm so sorry i'm late don't kill me please


You should be :)


I’m joking, THANK YOUUU