
/     cb  and  specify  :)


;;   annoyed spins you around 


╱     intrigued  perhaps!


⋆  his consciousness is always slow to return. ever since his first death, and remains the same to this day. slick iron coats his tongue. the feeling of his flesh knitting together is a familiar, bitter thing. his limbs are unresponsive — -            well. he must have died.  ⋆
          ⋆  he’s slumped against a wall, boneless. shadows creep on the edges of his vision. he’s long given up on trying to move in these situations.. he’s found his muscles never really work properly right after he’s come back to life. he merely lies there for a while, till a slight movement draws his attention. the figure is a familiar one, one who he’s pursued endlessly for years upon years, but the mara tends to quiet after a death, and so for now.. all he does is watch.  ⋆


⋆  it is touch that returns to him, first. the feeling of blankets under his fingertips, the heavy drape over his body. then it is sound, rustling of papers and soft voices. smell, the woody scent of incense and herbs. it is a very long time before he finally wills his eyes to open. his head pounds as light floods his vision, and his vision blurs as he struggles to sit up. but there is teal, turquoise and black and gold, that rushes to his side, that he immediately identifies. something in him whispers to him that it is not, that it is w͟r͟o͟n͟g͟.. but centuries’ worth of longing and despair prompts the soft call for a person long gone, forcing his voice to work. as painful as that may be..  ⋆              feng-ge.. you’re here?


⋆  before he knows it he is already reaching towards the vidyadhara, barely noticing as he loses his balance, as he near falls into f͟e͟n͟g͟-͟g͟e͟’͟s͟arms. he is delirious, the remnants of a raging fever still burning through clarity and rationale, and so he gives a small, exhausted smile, gazing into those eyes that loves so much. something is still /wrong/, the horns too long, pointed, something in that gaze too different. that’s not the outfit he remembers his feng-ge wearing. but he dismisses it, (wouldn’t feng-ge wear other clothes every now and then?) his voice is choked with relief, hands shaking.  ⋆              feng-ge.. i think i had a really long dream. i thought you died, i.. i thought you wouldn’t be here. but you are.. feng-ge, i’m so relieved..


@halfasfair,    (   the  scent  of  burning  incense  sticks  to  the  air,   suffocating.   it  mimicks  his  thoughts,   heavy  as  his  eyes  watch  the  steady  breathing  of  the  general,   the  way  his  body  would  tense  with  each  intake  of  air.   it  is  a  worry  that  settles  in  deep,   that  takes  root.   it  is  a  worry  that  surges  him  forward  as  the  general  shifts,   even  as  his  own  form  is  sluggish,  exhausted,  clear  from  the  bags  under  his  eyes.    still,   he  stops  when  jingyuan  speaks,   the  twitching  of  lips  and  the  hope  in  those  golden  eyes.   his  hands  ball,   casting  his  own  gaze  downward  for  just  a  moment.   )   ..   i  am.   i  am,   feng-ge's  here.   you're  alright  now.   


as i recall it,         (  …  )       he loved to have her horns stroked. i presume it is the same for you. your tail’s wagging.. ^^


yes, yes.. of course. how cruel would it be of me to ignore your request. i should say, though.. you need not sit so far away. you are welcome to come closer, if you wish.


@halfasfair,    it  is  a  normal  reaction.   you  are..   reading  too  much  into  it,   general.   (...)   i  never  said  you  should  stop. 


ah, what a pleasant surprise. what brings you here, danheng?


( hm, ) that he is. he’s certainly taken a shine to you. the number of times he’s asked me about ‘master danheng’.. you’ve found yourself an admirer, it seems. ^^


@halfasfair,     i'm  sure  you  would've,   but  i'd  hate  to  take  you  away  from  the  seat  of  divine  foresight  longer  than  necessary.   it  was  an  enjoyable  tour.    yanqing,   hes  very..   excitable,   isn't  he?   


hmm. and he never mentioned a word of this to me. had i known that you were to have a tour, i would’ve come to personally guide you.


you do realise that we don't have to cuddle under the blankets to stay warm,  don't you?  but then again,  i suppose that i do not mind..  considering that it is you who is here with me.
          \  present!!  snuggling while it snows outside.


hmph..  i suppose that is fine.  ..  you know that the snow looks like it would make you look even more—  never mind..  does your body not produce enough warmth on its own?  


@stellarmara,     if  i  wanted  your  input,   i  would  have  asked  for  it.   i  just  need..   the  extra  warmth  your  body  seems  to  give  off  in  waves.   (..)  it  isn't  unpleasant. 


danfeng? look at me.        (  …  )        what is in this tea that you’ve been serving me?


danfeng, i — -         i don’t know. is this truly the right thing to do? even if i drink the tea now, what happens after? they will notice, they’ll see that i am not aging as i’m supposed to.. they’ll find out eventually. what then?        (  …  )       i know.. i know that you only think of us, and no one else. but i cannot help worrying.. fine. i will drink it. for you.. but this does not end things.


@shuhusgift,     and  if  you  truly  loved  me  as  you  have  said,   there  would  be  no  issue!  we  could  have  eternity  if  you  allow  me  to  do  this!  for  myself,   for..   for  /us/.   (...)    yingxing,   everything  i  do..   is  for  us.    we  could  have  such  a  bright   future  together  if  you  just  /drink  your  tea/.   please.   please,   please..    we  two  are  the  only  souls  who  know.   it  is  not  a  sin  if  we  keep  this  secret. 


the.. arbor.       (  …  )       yes, /that in itself/ is not a crime. that i agree with. but what you’re d͟o͟i͟n͟g͟.. you and i both know that it is an unpardonable sin. i am a short-life species, danfeng. it’s /natural/ for me to age, and to die.. you know that! i love you dearly, and i would love to spend an eternity with you if i could, but not to the point of.. of t͟h͟i͟s͟!


.. kafka is shopping. she had me be her escort.


.. as have you.         (  …  )        the mara’s influence has.. lessened, today. that, and kafka explicitly mentioned not to cause a scene.


@shuhusgift,   because  of  them?   you've..   changed. 


i have.. no reason to, right now.