
I'll start working on the next chapter for to the moon and back asap, I still need 1 more vote! I'll also work on the other 2 books as well, but I'm kinda focusing on thi one for a while, because it is coming to an end, after I finish it I have a couple other ideas for other book, but I also wanna get the other 2 finished too
          	Thanks for reading, love y'all♡


I'll start working on the next chapter for to the moon and back asap, I still need 1 more vote! I'll also work on the other 2 books as well, but I'm kinda focusing on thi one for a while, because it is coming to an end, after I finish it I have a couple other ideas for other book, but I also wanna get the other 2 finished too
          Thanks for reading, love y'all♡


So basically, here's my schedule
          Every morning I have FFA stuff, and in 2 weeks, or about 2 weeks, I have district convention, where I present my CDE stuff, and after that is over, I have spring break. Depending on weather we move to state for our CDE, or not. If we do, I'm still gonna really busy. If we don't I will be busy, hopefully be able to update more, but still busy. I can't say what else I got going on other than CDE which is keeping me busy, but I'll know soon. It's FFA season, so I'm gonna busy, all the time. I also got banquet coming up, sometime after district convention, plus I entered for some Greenhand stuff, so I may have more stuff to do with that. I'm like pretty sure I'm gonna get my Greenhand degree, I fit all the qualifications. So yeah that's what's happening my next month. I'll keep y'all posted
          Much love homies ♡♡♡♡♡