
ahhh i love woso 


@ eternalrevival  that's really sad of hearing, I used to play too but not that good to go pro. Do u think of going back and playing it just for fun? Here in Brasil they take futebol way too serious, when it's cup year they paint street in green and yellow, every one gets pretty patriot and we get together with our family and friends to ser the games and when Brasil scores u can hear people screaming and chearing. 2014 isn't the one a have good memories, I remember that when Brasil was losing 2x0 for Germany my cousin started crying and when the game ended everyone was just in shock and the TV showed a lot of kids crying in the crowd, was just pretty sad. Sorry for the rant :)


growing up, i played futbol and it was my dream to go pro, but biggest regret was quitting. i really hate myself for letting my dream go cause it was where i was the most happiest. but things happen. you live in brasil, how was it having the best world cup, for me personally, 2014 mens world cup in brasil was top tierrrrr


@ eternalrevival  Omg must be so nice to see press playing, she is definitely one of my faves and she is sooooo underrated ugh . The closest I have ever been to a nacional team was when Brasil had a tournament in São Paulo (where I live) they played against Chile and Argentina and I even met pia, was so cool, but unfortunately I have never seen the uswnt but who knows someday. do u play futebol or not? 