
Hello there! Long time no see, I know have been absent in recent time, but you should all be happy to know that I am working on two new stories. One by my self and one with my good friend Fleetfoot13. By myself I am working on a Percy Jackson fict where he is a grown up child soldier stuck in the loop of violence and war, that is until he meets Nico and his band of mercenaries name the Half-Bloods. And the story I am working on with Fleetfoot13 is a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover. See all of you soon, have a fun winter break, and to all you high school students good luck in finals!


Hello there! Long time no see, I know have been absent in recent time, but you should all be happy to know that I am working on two new stories. One by my self and one with my good friend Fleetfoot13. By myself I am working on a Percy Jackson fict where he is a grown up child soldier stuck in the loop of violence and war, that is until he meets Nico and his band of mercenaries name the Half-Bloods. And the story I am working on with Fleetfoot13 is a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover. See all of you soon, have a fun winter break, and to all you high school students good luck in finals!


Hey guys, sorry about not updating. And I just felt as thou I needed to touch base with you guys. So first things first, I just started high school and I am doing the school swim team, the marching band, two honors classes, and two above grad level classes, AND my school is on of the best in the state with academics. So I am incredibly stressed right now. Two, I don't know where I am going with these stories, and I have had help from only a few of you guys with it. Third I was always more of a reader than a writer. Ok... Next, do you guys want my  stories to continue? (I think my writing is terrible, I have no idea why you guy like and read my sucky writing!) Please tell me and realize that the updated might not come for a while, if at all. Well, so long for now...
          Love Lucy


Hello! If you want to ask me any questions I would be happy to answer them!


@fanfiction824 I do in fact have a Ao3 account. And I do get some ideas from other authors and stories


I swear I saw some fanfics similar to these on Ao3. Do you happen to have an Ao3 account?