
thanks for 45 followers!  some cool things about the number are:
          	- 4 + 5 = 9 and 9 is a factor of 45
          	- when my dad was 45 I was the bitchiest 4th grader in the world
          	- It's only 5 away from 50 and 5 is also a factor of 45
          	- Sandra Bullock (bird box queen) is 45
          	- Following up on my last two factors, 9 x 5 is 45
          	- I subbed to Joanna Cedia when she was at 450,000 subscribers.
          	- If you round up PewdiePie's 427k viewers live stream today, you get 450k.


@lqnely_rqse  omg pls write a story about poopballs


@lqnely_rqse A late congratulations!


thanks for 45 followers!  some cool things about the number are:
          - 4 + 5 = 9 and 9 is a factor of 45
          - when my dad was 45 I was the bitchiest 4th grader in the world
          - It's only 5 away from 50 and 5 is also a factor of 45
          - Sandra Bullock (bird box queen) is 45
          - Following up on my last two factors, 9 x 5 is 45
          - I subbed to Joanna Cedia when she was at 450,000 subscribers.
          - If you round up PewdiePie's 427k viewers live stream today, you get 450k.


@lqnely_rqse  omg pls write a story about poopballs


@lqnely_rqse A late congratulations!


Hey, I wanna give u a huuugge pat on the back for telling THIS attention seeking girl exactly what she deserves. Spamming is so not the way to socialize and get people to read your book.
          She even got her Mom to do it for her. Lmao.
          And yes I saw her activity too.
          You deserve a standing ovation for speaking up against it. I unfollowed at once bcz I cannot stand those people either.
          You are my new BFF. I love that cute cat photo by the way.


Yeah, she’s probably 10 (considering the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.) 
            Your post made ME want to stand up too. Thank u for that.


            Thanks, man.  I just wanted to warn people about it.  Those votes?  I think they're pity votes, and that's always unfair.  I almost want to report for an underage user but I do not know her age.  *cough* probably 10 *cough*
            And thanks for that.  I hope she won't take down my post.  If she does?  Haha...I'll make another.
            And thanks about the cat photo.  It's my personality in an image, haha.




Well it’s not canon, true.  But remember, jk intended Hermione and Ron to happen so I just kind of think their personalities would have been perfect for each other- even jk regrets not pairing them


i was reading back on this and i have some stuff to add. yes, it would make sense for harmione to be canon, i suppose, since they're both really intelligent, brave, etc etc, but tbh they never really had any chemistry. the relationship they had was like they were brother and sister- completely platonic, so i just find it weird that people ship them and could see them together as a couple. they're best friends and nothing more. you may argue that they had some scenes where there might've been a spark, like for example the dancing scene they had in the deathly hallows, but that was purely harry trying to comfort her (platonically, he's literally like her brother) when she was lost and heartbroken, not trying to make a move at all. and that's all i have to say. thank you.

