
Ok here’s one idea.
          You find out the gender of your first baby by doing the Egg Roulette Challenge. Both your families and the lads are over and it’s a girl. 
          If you have any questions about the Egg Roulette Challenge, I can answer them 


Yes that’s correct. Oh and when it gets down to the last 2 eggs (1 pink and 1 blue) can you make Niall and Y/N crack them at the same time and Niall has the raw egg


What is the egg roulette challenge? Is it where there is blue and pink eggs and they are all boiled apart from the one that is the gender and they smash it over their head? And if it’s raw that’s the gender?


Here’s a couple of ideas:
          Niall’s baby girls’s favourite blanket goes missing and she won’t calm down until she has it back 
          Niall’s oldest child babysits Bear Payne
          The lads come over for dinner and the baby spits baby food in one of the lads faces


Thanks for the ideas, sorry I didn’t write your last idea, I didn’t really know how to write it 