
I just want to thank everyone for over 25K reads on my story Save Me From The Past, it means a lot to me so thank you everyone! 


Hey everyone! So first time message to all followers :S I know no one reads these but oh well! So i have started my new fanfic, I'm aiming for more chapters than "The New Kid Saved My Life" I hope you guys check it out! Btw its a Niall fanfiction :)


@hrgirl99 ah!! Okie!! And by the way my personal account is dtiny16 and sadly "forbidden love" i touched through it and didn't do that good... Lol but the other on I think I did okie I'm not sure lol but ASDFGHJKL ur comments or so nice!! I have like had a sucky day and u like made it better with one little bitty paragraph thank u!!!! <3


@loveme_loveme_not thanks you deserve it!! :) and I have a personal Instagram which I rarely use it is @godgirl2799 but I also have a Christian one that I use a lot it is @influence_for_christ so you can follow both if you want :) we should talk more!! also, I want to read "Forbbiden Love" and "Save me from the past?" but I'm scared ahaha. that doesn't make any sense but I will get sucked in and won't focus on anything else cause they're so good haha! and also the abuse and twists in the stories make me just ahh can't handle XD hahahaha so yeah sorry bout that little rant :) <3


Just wanted to say that I read "The New Kid Changed My Life" a while ago and it is just super genius asdfghjkl one of the best fan fics everr and I am now reading "Harmful Love" and I want to cry I love it you are such an awesome writer <33333 Is it wrong that I wanna cry yet love your fan fics at the same time???? i am following you (on Instagram and on here) and i vote and comment every chapter <3 why don't you have more reads?? haha well anyway keep up the good work and thanks for updating a lot it is much appreciated :) <3love<3