


So, I have this fic that I started around July/August of last year but I haven't ever posted it or even talked about it and I just wanted to ask if you guys would like me to publish it or not. What do you say? Publish it or Forget it?


@aWeryWeirdPerson Thank You! I'll post it soon.


@lovelyjonghyun I would say do whatever you are comfortable with, but because (I think) you want a simple answer I say YES :D


this message may be offensive
I'm so fucking disgusted i leave [instagram] for a whole day and i come back to see my feed be spammed by a bunch of accounts making fun on jonghyun's suicide. I'm tired of this bullshit. What the fuck even. Okay making fun of kpop is cool i don't care but making fun of someone who committed suicide is not okay. I don't know why people think it's okay to make fun of jonghyun's suicide. When did people loose their common sense?! It's just idiotic to see all these accounts pop up when the one year anniversary of his suicide is right around the corner. I don't understand why people would make fun of a suicide. Especially since jonghyun struggled with depression and was turned down and just brushed off when he tried to talk about his depression taking over him. I'm just... saddened to see so many people ridiculise his suicide. First people were saying he deserved to die. That he was selfish for taking his life. Then the fucking comic making fun of his suicide as well as the whole kpop community along with the fans/fandoms. Now this! I'm just tired of this! When will people gain at least a bit of common sense and realize that a suicide is nothing to make fun of! And it's not just jonghyun I've seen people make fun of. I've seen a few people make fun of the shawols that also committed suicide when they found out about jonghyun's suicide. This is sick! If his family were to see this... they would be extremely upset. His bandmates... especially jinki... what kind of behaviour is this?! I don't know when it was ever a good idea to make fun of someone for their suicide, nonetheless their mental health problems. People can just be so ruthless it's actually disgusting to think about. If i see one more account like these i swear I'm going to loose it.