
          	Ignoring haters is what I do now please leave my life and my wattpad. Thankyou


@Always_Muke_AF I've gotten more complements from thousands of people. Maybe you and your 13 year old self should mature a little, learn the first amendment, and realize that if you didn't like my book, you could have not furthered your reading. I'm not here to do everything perfect and to make people happy. I'm simply here to write. It's something I love. Not to please your winey mind set.


this message may be offensive
Whoa, hey there! Not to be rude but... What's with the lack of punctuation? A good writer always knows punctuation comes first. Okay, I'm being rude. But it IS super annoying and I'm sure if you had better punctuation you wouldn't have haters. And as you said at the beginning "fuck the haters" you're just making more. Also the story line goes too fast and makes no sense at all. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are a terrible writer.