
I'm leaving wattpad. I'm not gonna give that much of an explination here but dont expect me to be back anytime soon. Cya lozers/lh


I think a lot of people have heard the news already but for those who don't know Technoblade has passed. I didn't talk a lot about MCYT on here but Technoblade was one of my favorite content creators. He was always very funny and his content was comforting. I wish the best to his friends and family this is a huge loss for so many people. 
          Technoblade never dies.


hMMmmmMMMMMM i woNDer wHat I shOUld wRItE... ObJectS or oBJects bUt sAD................... hHHHHHMMMMmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM 
          why am i like this? Anyways please give me requests for oneshots or character stuff in LOSS im bored and have no clue what to write.