
Hello!! It’s been so long since I’ve been on here. To like the 300ish ppl thank you for not unfollowing lol well I’m back and I’m starting up a poetry book if anyone is interested!!


Happy Veterans Day!!❤️
          Thank you to all of you who served for our country
          It means a lot that you risked your life's helping us( wheather you were drafted or listed)
          We have a veteran in our school, his names Mr.Marx and he's really nice, and funny. My class gave him a lot of thank u cards and he really appreciated it, so if you know anyone who's a veteran, please it'll mean a lot to them, if you thank them for their service✉️


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So I haven't really been updating my books lately. I apologize. I've been really busy and just haven't really had the time. Also I saw less people have been reading my books. That makes me . I've been going through some shit and I just wanna say you guys make me so happy, whenever I see someone who comments or likes my books I get so happy to see that people still look at my work on wattpad so thank you!!