
this message may be offensive
Just needed to get this off of my chest. I had to go to my grandparents house for Christmas eve to make them happy and my grandmother got me a leg shaver device. I haven't shaved my legs in a couples of years because I finally let go of that stupid "female presenting people have to shave their legs" bullshit. I am non-binary and will do whatever I want, but she still has the audacity to buy this stupid device like I wasn't shaving my legs because I didn't have a device like c'mon!


@simp4psychopaths The rest of my Christmas went well! Thank you 


@lokilover100100 ugh this sucks I'm so sorry :((( i hope you had a lovely christmas despite this <33


this message may be offensive
Just needed to get this off of my chest. I had to go to my grandparents house for Christmas eve to make them happy and my grandmother got me a leg shaver device. I haven't shaved my legs in a couples of years because I finally let go of that stupid "female presenting people have to shave their legs" bullshit. I am non-binary and will do whatever I want, but she still has the audacity to buy this stupid device like I wasn't shaving my legs because I didn't have a device like c'mon!


@simp4psychopaths The rest of my Christmas went well! Thank you 


@lokilover100100 ugh this sucks I'm so sorry :((( i hope you had a lovely christmas despite this <33