
Wooooooo take a breathe there young lady :D awesome trip huh!!! :D cooollllllll :) ill check it out for sure.... How u where u ..... Man I miss u guys xP 


@hersheys_XD thu !!! shameless woman !!! :P
          OMFG !!!!!! Singi and Malaysia was AwEsOmEeEe!! :D :D :D 
          And I am tanned -.- A LOT :P OH !!!
           thats  awsome !! but for some reason everyone is going there :P andy shanky AND shu went :P wtf ?:/
          Dude we have to pay for every pd/kg we take in flight !! the f*uck ? >:P And there was net but I still couldnt take it :P but i used my phone :P kinda :P OMG dude !! there was this amusement park on some island that i went to !! it was effing brilliant !!! I finally went one a rollercoster !! I havent been on a rollercoster since I went to six flags !! :O :O and i wasnt even old enough to do so much :P :'P but actually it wasnt AS great :P but it was cool :D :D OH! and I met this sweet litle girl who was sharing the tour bus with us ! OMG i swear she so ccuttteeeeee :D :D <3 <3 She was like 4 / 5 !! SO cute ! her name was Daniella  ! SHe would drag me everywhere ! MAN ! she had a monster grip :D <3 too cute :D oh and I drank a hot chocolate at EVERY starbucks I saw xD even at the airport :D and yes *sniff sniff* it cracked in october or something :P when i went to the Andamans :P I dropped it on a hard wood floor :'( but it works perfectly fine :P now my dads like if it breaks again and its without the cover i wont pay for getting it fixed :P ugh. the cover he bought is SO retarded :P it is an insult to my iPhone :P and they dont even make covers for the 3GS anymore :P thu :P 
          DUDE !! i almost finished the 2nd chap ! and then suddenly i had to write half of it over again cuz it was stupid :P UGH. Im STILL writing  :P y is it so hard to complete and effing chappy :P anyways u noe that short story i write for u no ? help me continue it  ! its on my page :P i think i wanna cont. it :P btw congrats for ur gpa :D mother fudge! im running out of characters on the message :O 
          Laters baby ;)


*sigh* that's one way of putting it :P and i shall :P but i cant take my lappy !!! :O :O NOOOO !!!!!!! its too heavy :P ugh. ill beg my dad to bring the ipad or else ill be stuck writing in the notes of my poor poor cracked iphone :P and i wnt have proper net for 10 days ! :O its like the exams all over again ! :'( but then I shall HAVE to write :P :D anyways Ill get to sit on the beach and write *pumps fist* WHOOAAA YEAAHH :D :D xD like in the andaman's i was reading  (ALL EFFING DAY ,except when i was sight seeing :P!! :D)? now illl be writing :O
           soo wassabi hershey's ? u goin out anywhere again ? WAIT. have U written anything ? :P


@hersheys_XD i swear :P i finally got him to agree to let me post all his stories/poems :P he doesn't want to make his profile n shit :P stupid boy :P *sigh* i STILL havent started :P but i HAVE to today :P otherwise ill be screwed :P and i did some writing yest. but its honestly stupid :P the way i wrote it anyways :P  shut it ok ? i take back the murder offer :P cuz i noe i wnt be able to finish it AND pack :P plus i have to figure out how the scene shall unfold da da daaaaaaaaaaa !!! :D 


@hersheys_XD Hmmmmmmm :p *sigh* I have to start packing AND  I have to write :p ahhhhh ! xP merci :p honesty I  want to finish the chap but it tough :p btw check out the poem I put up shanky wrote it :) I finally convinced I'm to let me put one up so later he can post the rest on his soon to be made account :P boys r soooo lazy :P 


@hersheys_XD hey ! i take offence to that ! :P :P and ur probably right :P but its not fair :P i have no inspiration !! :P inspire me Hershey's :P i shall :P ugh. dnt even talk to me bout that:P i noe ill be confined to my desk on threat of death :P dude school / college  is the bane of our existence :P