Hello~ I'd like to introduce myself with a little introduction, hm? And I hope I don't scare you off!!

• Name: Jovan Zeno

• Planet: It's clear in my username~

• Age: Hm? I'm very old, but I don't look like it~

• Height: I'm almost as tall as Sol, himself, only a few inches shorter..

• Other: I have four Galilean moons, and I'm the biggest planet in the Solar System. I.. I tend to scare small celestial bodies away.. The smaller they are, the cuter they are, makes me jealous as to how small they are.. Take Mer-kun for example!

× Hides Dead Bodies of Comets ×

× Has torn SL9 apart in 21-22 pieces and keeps the body parts in basement ×

× What I just said is actually canon in PM ×
U1: @PM-MercuryKerykeion
U2: { Empty }
U3: { Empty }

× Sol ; @llSol-The-Sunll
× Mercury ; @PM-MercuryKerykeion
× Venus ; @Venus--chan
× Earth ; @Terry_Earth-Chan
× Luna ; @princessmoon-
× Mars ; @MarsTheExplorer
× My Moons ; @ll_Galilean_Four_ll
× Saturn ;
× Uranus ;
× Neptune ; @Neptune--
× Pluto ; @Pluto-Kun

Others ;

× Milky Way ; @LadyMilkyWay
× OMU ; @http-universe
Feel free to make me your Jupiter if you are a PM Roleplayer!~
  • The Great Red Spot!!
  • JoinedAugust 26, 2017