
Ah HAHAHAH... Yeah. I'll try to be more active. Not 100% sure if I'm really hacked but I'm being careful. Also WTF IS UP WITH 53 NOTIFICATIONS GUYS0_0


Hey guys... I think somehow, my account is hacked so I'm going to make a new one. Obviously, I'll try to remember y'all so wish me luck. Also, this account will be deleted and so will my stories. Thank you Kyra for your support! I will remake Your Insane into a better story!! I promise!


No problem! Wish you lots of luck for your new account!


this message may be offensive
When your eternally depressed and you really want to just kill yourself. *sigh* you guys... I really might just delete this account. I'm serious about what I announced on my book. If y'all hate me, then I'm sorry I cannot be a better author and friend to you. I mean, I might not be able to make a huge impact on the Wattpad community but at least I have/had you guys with me supporting me from the start of my very first book. I was so excited when I started out writing on Wattpad because I though that if I could enjoy stories that people wrote, maybe they could enjoy mine. At first, it was great! Every read I got made me happier and your comments made my day. I haven't told anyone except my closest friends in real life about my issues but seriously, I feel like killing myself. I practically live a worthless life. Nobody notices me (SEMPAI PLEASE NOTICE ME NOW. IM MAKIN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS!) and frankly, I am not very social. You guys are probably the closest things I have to friends and I hate the fact that when I make all these announcements, you stay quiet. I mean, I'm not trying to be an attention grabber, I just really want to talk to you guys! So many of you used to talk and comment like there was tomorrow. Now, it feels like I'm talking to ghosts. If you guys like I said in my book, do truly support me, leave a comment and when the time comes to delete this piece of shit account, I'll follow you on my new one. I really sincerely hope you guys take this seriously...


Haha thank you very much Kyra! I have MST time


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Girl I just started following you but you seem like a great funny sweet person! Keep doing what you're doing because your doing great! No one should hate you for making your own descisions and if they do then they shouldn't matter.  If you ever need someone to talk to just hit me up and I'll be there! Except when my wifi is absolute shit and decides to be a little bitch and not work. I'll definitely support you I any descision you make even though I just started following you! You seem like great person and you should keep doing what you love even when no one else may support you. Hope you have a great day/night or whatever time zone your in and like I said if you ever need someone to talk to just hit me up and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible! Xxx


Yo... Guys. Any of you mind checking out my new FF? Or all ya guys are like "I ALREADY KNOW YOU CANT WRITE!" And I'm sorry! I know I'm a horrible writer! I just really like writing stories... T^T hopefully some of you guys actually respond.. T^T


Lol hiya your profile seemed cuten(well it is) so I followed I will be reading your books soon (already on my library).
          Have a good day~


Ah thank you! Your prof is really cute too! And I hope you enjoy my stories. I am really trying guys.. I'm trying. T^T anyways, thanks and sorry for not seeing this message sooner!