
Hey everyone!
          	I'll be removing 'Light the Shadows' for a little while. 
          	I will republish the book once again when I get at least 4 to 5 chapters written down properly because I have the whole story planned for the last week or so I'm not really able to write properly and also the fact that I know the main events that will be taking place but I don't know what will take place in the in-between chapters...
          	So, yeah that's it.


Hello Lizzie! 
          Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, if you like fantasy and romance stories, maybe you’d like to give ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance. 
          I think she deserves more support and readers, especially now, when it`s getting more crowded and hard to be noticed. 
          Best Regards theoneandonly



Hey everyone!
          I'll be removing 'Light the Shadows' for a little while. 
          I will republish the book once again when I get at least 4 to 5 chapters written down properly because I have the whole story planned for the last week or so I'm not really able to write properly and also the fact that I know the main events that will be taking place but I don't know what will take place in the in-between chapters...
          So, yeah that's it.


Hewwo hoomans!
          It's me aleen once again.
          I know I was supposed to publish chapter one yesterday but due to some technical problems that I'm facing I'm not able to sand the drafts or publish the chapter. . .
          Hopefully I will be able to post in a day or two.


          I just posted the cast and it's not edited so there will be a lot of grammatical errors and I have no idea what all I have written there so don't mind it ಥ_ಥ
          Anyways I will be posting the first chapter on Wednesday until then read and drop your comments and tell me what you all think about it . . .
          I would love to know what you all think about it even thought there's only prologue but okai
          TOODLES FOR NOW!


Hi! I'm Marceline and I would love if you checked out my book I think you'd like-


@lizzie_writeu thank you! It means so much!


@Madmargerine hi!
            I will surely check your book!