Liz | 25 | Freelance Editor

I'm currently working with a publishing firm located in New York City, and am looking to branch out as a freelance editor. Right now, I am working to build up an editing resume and a client base, so for a limited time only I will be offering my services as editor free of charge to the first ten people who contact me regarding this offer. All I ask in return is that if you enjoy working with me and appreciate my efforts, please recommend me; a credit or dedication in your work is not required, but is, of course, appreciated.

I can provide a comprehensive array of services, including proofreading, copy editing, and content editing. Proofreading is quick, and includes only a once-over for grammatical mistakes, misspellings or word misuse. Copy editing addresses style, formatting, inconsistencies, fact-verification, and grammatical issues; it may also involve some re-structuring or re-working of text. Content editing is much more intensive, and includes all of the formerly mentioned aspects, as well as possible re-writes, re-organization, and plot tweaks; characterization, setting, and all the things you learned were important in middle-school English class are also covered.

I will edit both original fiction and fan-fiction, but I require that I be at the very least familiar with the fandom in question (so that I know what's going on, can extrapolate where your story fits in, and can help you with characterization, plausibility, etc.). For fandoms I am available to edit, see below. Pretty much any genre is acceptable, as well. :)

You can also find me on tumblr - see above.

Doctor Who
Harry Potter
Star Trek
Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock, Elementary, and original stories)
Criminal Minds
Downton Abbey
Warehouse 13
Tolkien's Middle-Earth
White Collar
  • New York, NY
  • JoinedFebruary 24, 2013