
Who still up 


Anyone Just know like when you got That one perfect thing and you don't want to let it go Because it's something special and you gotta and it's trying to leave and you holding on to it and your gonna keep on holding on its no one can have it and when you lose it it's like it was just a dream well I got so thing I'm fighting for and I'm not letting go of it because it is special to me it makes me happy everyday and puts a smile on my face but it wants to leave ....Nah it's not leaving I'm keep fighting for it something that special don't let it go because once it's gone it's gone you can't have it back  I don't know what I did but I'm trying to figure it out like Am I'm hurting that special thing to me -sighs- I don't know no more all I know is I love that special thing nah that special person to me I don't want to lose him at all -sighs-


-pulls you to pm-